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Steph Curry MVP Secured While CP3 Breaks Down

It was one of the nastiest basketball moves you could ever see. The serious debate among real basketball fans is, “Who’s got more handles … Kyrie or Curry?” I’m not going to answer that here; instead I’m simply going to pose a different question entirely. Did Seth Curry Lock Up the MVP while Breaking Chris […]

Thursday Thoughts; Racial Climate of America

It’s Thursday … And the Racial Climate of America is HOT!! Shout outs to The Nation of Cowards – the term Eric Holder used to describe Americans when it comes to discussing the subject of race. “In things racial we have been and (I believe) we continue to be a Nation of Cowards.” – How […]

American Problem We Ignore Racism

An American Problem: No Indictment in Eric Garner Case; No Surprise

Do you know what a pattern is? lists several definitions for the word Pattern. The one that best fits this news of No Indictment in the Eric Garner case, is the #5 definition. It says “a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement”….the “Characteristic Arrangement” that seems to be […]

we are mike brown

Congressional Black Caucus on Ferguson and Race in America

The Congressional Black Caucus Weighs In On the Ferguson Decision What America needs to understand about Ferguson is that the protests that erupted in the wake of the grand jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown, is that it’s not about Michael Brown. The tensions have been boiling […]

Kobe Bryant Responds Brilliantly (Good and Bad Cycles)

Kobe Bryant Responds Brilliantly (Good and Bad Cycles) Kobe Bryant has always been regarded as a brilliant basketball player, but for those who have followed his career – it is pretty well known that he is also a brilliant man. Several news stories came out in his younger years about how he’d stay home and […]

The Real Reason Henry Abbott is Bashing Kobe Bryant

The Real Reason Henry Abbott is Bashing Kobe Bryant I just read the CBS Sports’ response to the ridiculous piece by Henry Abbott for ESPN – it’s an Awesome article —(read A breakdown of Anonymous Sources Take On Kobe Bryant) Not sure how many folks read the Henry Abbott article that began all this; a […]

sway i got the answers t shirt ( you ain't got the answers sway! - kanye west)

A ‘You Don’t Have The Answers Sway!’ Moment with Talib Kweli and Don Lemon

You Don’t Have the answers Sway!! You Don’t Have the Answers! Ok so, by now you’ve probably heard about and/or seen the Video of Talib Kweli and Don Lemon having ‘a moment’ on Live Television (CNN); the moment happens right after Talib (a very grass roots conscious rapper in the hip hop movement) makes […]

The White Washing of Black Music

The other day I Tweeted about what is currently the white washing of black music. This is nothing new, as there is nothing new under the sun.   But, take heed Black rappers; you can now kiss the idea of growing up to be a rapper good bye; These jobs and openings will […]

Gender Wars: Beyonce and Jay Z Divorce Rumors Spun All Wrong

We gotta be careful with Media Spin … Been seeing these reports lately about a Beyonce and Jay Z divorce … The rumor is, Jay is not faithful. My thing is this – When a DUDE makes a Song and says “I’m gonna be a Player for life” — why is Beyonce Surprised (if any […]

Sterling Brings Transparency to Racism

Whitlock!!! Talk about a refreshing perspective on all of this; I could not agree more with this one here —- It’s awesome to SEE The transparency on film; what happens so much and so often behind closed doors and; what is so often denied to even be happening, unfolded on TV last night and while […]

Donald Sterling and V Stiviano

Reactions To Donald Sterling’s Racist Recording Set the Web On fire

Earlier today I wrote about yet another Racist event in America tied to Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.  Reactions to Donald’s racist remarks, recorded by his gf (V. Stiviano), are setting the web on fire – as it should. This is a conversation we keep dodging. Throughout 2013 we had so many […]

tnt crew on donald sterling's racist remakrs

Donald Sterling’s Racism Rises Again

Once again, Donald Sterling’s Racism Rises Again! Donald Sterling has a history of making racist comments. He’s got a reputation here in Los Angeles, as a slumlord due to the poor conditions of his apartment buildings. He’s even been caught saying he does not rent to black people. YET most of his money comes from […]