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Did Roland Martin Ambush Dr. Umar Johnson on TVOne
Dr. Umar Johnson is one of the more controversial figures within what is often referenced to as the conscious community. Some of his views and opinions come off a little strong, and are often the cause of debate within the black community as a whole. Just last year, he got into a beef with another […]
But Her Emails With Don Jr. As Russian Collusion Clouds Clear
But her emails was the nonstop chant that we heard before, and following the election of Donald Trump. What’s most clear to me as I watch everything unfold, is that white people of America no longer care about America. It’s all about white supremacy, and they are just fine aligning themselves with the white nation […]
Bill Cosby: Would All These Women Lie? Short Answer: YES!
Let’s talk about Bill Cosby for a moment and the prevailing talking point that somehow proves he did it. “Would all these women lie?”. The short answer is YES. It’s almost inconceivable to me that with all the education people have, this one is not landing with people. What do you mean would all these […]
Shut Up Tariq Is More White Trolling On Display
Shut Up Tariq is a clear example of more white trolling on display. We wrote about how White Trolling goes the other day on SoPoCo. Not suprised by the development I’m going to cover now. #ShutUpTariq was ‘trending on Twitter’ this weekend. Out of no where, white trolls who are usually upset at the things […]
Dashcam Footage Proves White People Are Problematic
The Dashcam footage for the murder of Philando Castile, by the police proves once and for all that white people are the problem. A jury, mostly made up of white people looked at all the evidence, which included this dashcam footage of the murder of Philando Castile. That same jury, decided they saw ‘nothing wrong’ […]
Trolling White Supremacy Must Be Taken Seriously
What is Trolling White Supremacy and why must this be taken seriously? – Let’s get into it. I’ve said this for years but have often been talked badly about because of it. People have called me a hot head, and accused of loving to argue. I’ve been told that I’m wrong to confront racism, but […]
Comey Day on SoPoCo Featuring Twitter
Let’s get right into it because we know what day it is. It’s Comey Day! (or #ComeyDay on Twitter) Here it is, presented by ABCNews on YouTube https://twitter.com/krONik/status/872940050920517632 Trump's damage control team r digging a bigger hole for Trump and his affiliates. Trump's a liar! #ComeyTestimony #ComeyDay #ComeyHearings — Rocki (@OLipstickBandit) June 8, 2017 It's […]
The Media Asked Tristan Thompson All The Wrong Questions (Game 3 2017 NBA Finals)
Tristan Thompson is in the middle of a VERY forgettable NBA Finals. After having a break out season last year, he has found himself feeling himself all the way. He’s dating a Kardashian, and from one look at his outfit, he thinks he has made it! Which brings us to this conversation today. Why is […]
Senator Conway Meets Congressional Black Caucus (House of Cards)
More Spoilers for anyone not caught up on Season 5 of House of Cards. This Review only goes through Episode 6, Who’s the Boss. In this episode a powerful scene unfolds as Senator Conway meets the Congressional Black Caucus. The scene explores yet, another real issue in our society. It’s linked to the ongoing discussion […]
Season 5 House Of Cards Through Episode 8 Review
Season 5 House of Cards Review: Once again House of Cards is on fire in it’s fifth season, starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright as the ultimate power couple. If you’re into politics but you aren’t watching House of Cards, then I’m not sure you’re ready to read this review. In fact, there Will be […]
Do House of Undying Visions Mean Anything? Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones’ Seasons 7 and 8 approach and are the ending of this series. So now is a great time to revisit the House of Undying Visions that Daenerys has back in Season 2. Check out a very detailed recap that also goes into the visions In the books, which will always be the […]
America Is Bipolar And Off Her Meds: D.L. Hughley Commentary
In his latest ‘notes from the GeD section, D.L. Hughley speaks more truth to power. America is Bipolar and off her meds as each week removes more doubt. If it is not already obvious to you that racism in this country is more than alive, but common, then you’re probably not paying attention. We’ve shared […]
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