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What Race Baiting Really Means
Race Baiting is the new term being used by, what is considered to be right-wing media outlets – for anyone that brings up Race. It’s a negative term, at least the way it’s used. Basically what they are saying is that People are forcing them to Talk about Racism and how it impacts black people […]
White People Are The Only Ones That Can End Racism
That is a quote from none other than Randi Rhodes, from her show today on the Premier Networks. Today I was reminded again of why I love Randi Rhodes so much. She’s been one of the few consistent voices of reason both during the Bush years and during the Obama years as well. I’m looking […]
These Fucking Punks They Always Get Away …
This is my personal letter to George Zimmerman. George, You are a fucking punk. The very words you used to describe Trayvon Martin on that imfamous night accurately describe you. You’re a fucking punk who isn’t shit without his gun. You take MMA classes and let a 17 year old break your nose (according to […]
Brainwashing Takes Time But Time Will Pass Anyway
Got a few related videos that I’d love to share with you… from “The Trap, What happened to our Dream of Freedom?” This is going to be good – Brainwashing The masses takes time – but that time will pass anyway 🙂 One awesome video I came across a few years ago, is the Century […]
How many films based upon a book have you seen that actually met your expectations? For most, I know, it is a very lonely few. Why do directors keep making the same mistakes, over and over again? Sometimes, I have to wonder if they even bothered to crack open the book. It’s like they read […]
Closing Arguments Underway: Bernie de la Rionda the Closer
Wow … as a friend of mine said on Facebook about 30 minutes ago … “The Prosecution wore His Kick-Ass shoes Today” That really sums it up too. I’ve been watching the Closing Arguments in The Zimmerman Trial (most of it at least) – all the way up to the Break; Now I’m back and […]
Chaos, Order and The Problem With Women?
OK …. I came across a Book tonight, just a few minutes ago actually. It literally bothered me so much that I had to take a moment to share HERE – what I wanted to share on Facebook. BUT then I realized how politically correct everyone is, and how what I am about to say […]
Let Freedom Ring
Despite all of my hang-ups concerning this great country, America, I have to admit that there is much to be thankful for. We live in the land of the free, in the home of the brave, and in the land of opportunity. (Do not worry, I am done with clichés. For now.) Our heritage is […]
What’s The Real Issue
So there is nation, no worldwide attention and uproar because multitalented cookbook author and tv personality Paula Deen made some “racist” remarks and has now resulted in her termination from Food Network & outside sponsors. I for one have several points of view on the issue; some of which may not be liked, while others […]
Seven Million
What if I told you that worldwide, almost nine hundred million people live in total and complete poverty? It’s alarming how close that number is to a billion. Even more alarming, is that countless individuals with the means and ends to help, have done nothing. I know. If you are anything like me, you are […]
Black People Must Do More
Meanwhile … this message: Black people must do more. I know that I’ve stated here that White people must do more to help end Racism. However … Black people Must do More. That’s not news. Not really … Bill Cosby started saying it a few years back and caught hell from the black community; while […]
Powerful Testimony In the 4th Day Of The Zimmerman Trial
The 4th Day of The Zimmerman Trial included powerful Testimony from Two women. The first was the neighbor who called 911 as the confrontation was unfolding. I watched the live stream this morning as her testimony was given, just after the conclusion of Rachel Jenteal, who was brought back to conclude her testimony from day […]
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