Our Library of Conversations. Read & Discuss

Jeff Sessions DOJ is Unjust

Sessions DOJ: More Injustice Alton Sterling and Walter Scott

Before I get started, rest in peace to unarmed, innocent black men killed in this nation. Rest in Peace Alton Sterling, who’s killers will not be prosecuted. Already we are seeing that a Jeff Sessions DOJ will be nothing short of the injustice America has witnessed for far too long. Meanwhile we see a direct […]

Cruel World - Agents of Shield

Cruel World: Agents Of SHIELD Season 4 Review: Episode 20

Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD has been their Very best season so far. In last nights Episode 20, Bye Bye Cruel World, the Team finally left the hellish Framework. Created by Dr. Radcliffe, and his Ultron-ish like robot creation gone mad AIDA, the Framework has offered fans of this show some serious pay off! […]

Lavar Ball Needs Daymond John for BBB

Lavar Ball Needs Daymond John To Make Big Baller Brand A Big Baller Brand

I wanted to get right to the point on this one Lavar Ball needs to contact Daymond John Let’s face it, by now we’ve all heard about Lavar Ball and his ‘brand’, the BBB. This brand is ‘based on’ his 3 boys, all ‘ballers’, and so the triple B’s stand for ‘Big Baller Brand’. The […]

Game of Thrones - Missandie and Greyworm

Game Of Thrones Returning And Season 7 Will Be Lit!

Can we take this wait any longer? Game Of Thrones Returns to the airwaves of HBO soon, and fans of the show cannot wait. In case you’re under a rock, off the grid, or have another good reason for not already seeing this, here’s the trailer for Season 7! Speaking as one of several (Game […]

The Black Vote Matters

The Black Vote Does Not Exist AT This Time

The black vote is only an idea at this moment in time. There is truly no such thing as a unified block of black voters. The traditional narrative that blacks vote democratic, is only a narrative. The reality is that there are, and have been several black republicans for quite some time. It would seem […]

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump

Did America Elect Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner?

Last Week Tonight from HBO has been on top of it, and I hope you’ve been paying attention. You’ll want to refer back to this. As usual, John Oliver does an incredible job of delivering useful and pertinent information while remaining funny. This clip includes several nuggets, about a woman who seemingly is the most […]

so much we don't understand - Saturn

So Much We Still Do Not Understand

There is So much we still do not understand about the world we are living in. By far, the most popular article on our site to date, is Blacks Are The First True Americans: Hidden Lies In History – You can’t go back to Africa. It’s such a controversial idea to Americans that they’ve spent […]

Alex Jones Knows Why Bill O’Reilly Got Fired From Fox News

Alex Jones claims he knows why Bill O’Reilly got fired from Fox News. The funniest thing about all of this is, Alex Jones may be the least credible person to break this story. The reasons he gives for the firing of Bill O’Reilly sound like pure, well, Performance Art. The reasons listed from Alex Jones […]

Making Of Steve Stephens by Dr. Boyce Watkins

The Making Of A Steve Stephenson : Black Men And Economic Stress

News broke earlier today, that Steve Stephens (The Facebook Killer) is dead. Wrote about this the other day on here, and shared a great discussion with Dr. Boyce Watkins, Shaquita Graham and Nomalanga Mhlauli-Moses. Now, that was a great talk as they made sure to cover both the male and female perspectives. They took the […]

black panther takes on captain america

Black Panther Is The Dopest Marvel Character

Black Panther is the dopest character in the entier Marvel ‘comic book’ Universe. We are still awaiting to see if it will translate to the big screen. Marvel Studios finally gave us the King of Wakanda in last summer’s box office hit, Captain America: Civil War.  We are still yet to see his film, which […]

dr boyce watkins,

Mental Health Issues In The Black Community

Diving into a very intriguing conversation around Mental health issues in the black community, sparked by unfortunate events (still unfolding) in Ohio.  Dr. Boyce Watkins brought two guests onto his usual live broadcast to go over exactly what happened and why. We know how the mainstream outlets are discussing this now, but seldom will they […]

white supremacist police officer in Philly

White Supremacist Police Officers : FBI Report from 10 Years Ago

Here we are again folks. Let’s get into white supremacist police officers for a few moments. I came across an article from, that discusses an FBI report, 10 years ago, saying they were ‘worried’ about white supremacists police officers. They felt, that if they began infiltrating law enforcement they would sabotage justice. Hmmm, that […]