
Jews Big beneficiaries of Civil rights act of 1964

Were Jews Biggest Beneficiaries of 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Professor Black Truth never holds back. He makes the case that Jews were the biggest beneficiaries of the 1964 Civil Rights act. Brought on by comments from Bill Maher, who’s been real anti black as of late. Along with more racist comments from Juliana Margolis. Both have been attacking black America for not ‘supporting’ Israel

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Kev On Stage Karma strikes after bashing Kevin Samuels

Karma came for Kev On Stage? Kevin Samuels gets Revenge?

Let me start out saying, I really enjoy Kev on Stage. To me he’s pretty funny when it comes to a lot of his online content. I did, unfortunately also see the ‘clip’ that is in the video I’m abou tto share, from Oshay Jackson.  Oshay has been a real close friend of Kevin Samuels

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