Our Library of Conversations. Read & Discuss

Coming 2 America Spoiler Review: A Worthy Sequel

Our Spoiler Filled Review of Coming 2 America, a worthy sequel. Please do not read this if you have not seen the movie, which is available on Amazon Prime.  Off top, I loved it. I do tell folks from time to time that Coming to America is my favorite movie of all time. Crazy to […]

the game of politics and economics

The Game of Politics and Economics

Getting into the game of politics here on Inauguration day, 2021.  I saw lots of excitement on my social media TL today; and I am happy for all who are happy – however, we have so much work to do; Unfortunately a lot of black people just don’t understand the game. It’s not our faults; […]

MLK in DC after Jan 6th

Maintain The Advantage of White Supremacy

In order to maintain the advantage, white ‘supremacy’ derives its white ‘power’ from numbers. It really is that simple. The reason America was able to enslave, oppress, and harm black life for as long as it has, comes down to that. There have always been more white people, who are more than okay with it. […]

debates about confederate flags statues and symbols must end

Settling All Debates About Confederate Flags and Monuments

Rev. Kevin Cosby just settled all debates about confederate flags, symbols, and monuments. They need to come down. If you’re a ‘white evangelical Christian’, you probably support Confederate flags and symbols. In fact, you’ve probably been in many of the recent debates about confederate flags and symbols. You’re on the wrong side of history, and […]

not all white people are decent; but some are

Not All white People owned slaves: A Response

Not All White People is one of my pet peeve phrases, that gets on my last nerve. Racist white people do this, to try and absolve themselves of guilt, and responsibility. It also stems from a lack of respect for black people’s intelligence. We are more than aware, that not all white people are racist. […]

we must change our entire society : Tax the rich; tax billionaires

Taxing Billionaires: Change Our Entire Society

We have to fundamentally change our Entire society; this includes our “ideas” about what society ‘should’ be — I’m not all the way sure if our society Understands or Accepts this yet. We are the majority; ‘but’ we continue to allow the FEW to control the Many; Listen; if I was a billionaire, I’d actually […]

Americans need Education

Americans Need Education To Stop Covid19

Americans Need Education to stop covid19. Conspiracy theories are real; but unfortunately not ‘everybody’ knows what they are talking about, when it comes to these … Discernment matters So much right now. I encourage you all to get EDUCATED about this; the more EDUCATED we become the faster we can FIGHT This and Win. GO […]

conservative whites created this house of cards

The Irony Of Reopen America Protests; Conservative Whites Caused It All

Some strange Irony here… Got into a ‘debate/argument’ with a white lady who’s part of the ‘push’ to #ReOpenCalifornia :: like many of these whites from Orange County – an Affluent area of California, they are pushing a narrative that THEY need their jobs back too. I for one; am skepitcal; I know too much; […]

covid19 fussing frustrrated 5g

Fussing and Frustrated Through Covid19

I’ve been fussing and frustrated through the covid19 experience. There have been far too many people who are Entirely uninformed, but want to argue with those who are very informed. It’s annoying. My Apologies if it seems like I’ve been ‘fussin’ at y’all; but … I have ………. been trying to grapple with all of […]

white privilege exists (paycheck to paycheck)

Why White People Don’t Believe White Privilege Exists

I understand entirely why white people don’t believe white privilege exists.  As usual, when the term ‘white people’ is used it does not apply to ‘all’ white people. Several actually do acknowledge this reality, while many others refuse to. But I fully understand. I want to dive into a few of those reasons – but […]

Coronavirus Could Inspire Change In America

The coronavirus could inspire much needed change in America.  I was looking into Singapore and how they are dealing with all of this. They have a reputation for being one of the Cleanest cities in all the world. And it shows – they have a SUPER LOW number of infections and last I checked – […]

Kobe Bryant's Parents

Kobe Bryant’s Parents Memorial Mess at Celebration of Life

Kobe Bryant’s life was celebrated on Monday, February 24th, 2020. Also his daughter Gigi, was remembered with several moving moments from speeches to unseen video footage.  Lots of celebrities and Sports Royalty were in attendance, with NBA stars, Lakers Family, and naturally including Kobe Bryant’s parents.  Famously, and unfortunately the relationship between Kobe and his […]