Eric Garner

policing blacks vs policing whites

Policing Blacks Versus Policing Whites: How Law Enforcement Fails America

Out the gate I ant to apologize for the long title of this one: Policing Blacks versus Policing Whites: How Law Enforcement Fails America. It’s important to make sure we draw the connection early in this one so you understand the points I am making throughout.  The way Law Enforcement ‘enforces’ the laws of the

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Forcing Blacks to LOVE America: A Very White Privileged Thing To Do

The white privileged of our society are in rare form these days, around athlete protests. If you are one of those ‘rare’ people who truly do not understand what it is, pay attention to the entire conversation. We know this started when Colin Kaepernick decided to sit down, and later kneel during the National Anthem.

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Police are Committing Treason On Black People

Police are Committing Treason on Black People: Did you know that a Supreme Court Judge ruled in the case Kolender v. Lawson (461 U.S. 352, 1983) that a police officer could not arrest a citizen merely for refusing to present identification? The biggest issue with our people when dealing with crooked Police operatives, Judges, Magistrates,

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American Problem We Ignore Racism

An American Problem: No Indictment in Eric Garner Case; No Surprise

Do you know what a pattern is? lists several definitions for the word Pattern. The one that best fits this news of No Indictment in the Eric Garner case, is the #5 definition. It says “a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement”….the “Characteristic Arrangement” that seems to be

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