Marathon Bombers Uncle Calls Them Losers

When speaking with the press today, the Uncle of the 2 Marathon Bombers, explains their actions in a simple way.

Being Losers.

Wasn’t I just talking about losers the other day? These people who just wanna go around hating on others, causing problems for others – the Uncle really hits the nail.

Watch the Press Conference.

He really seems to distance himself, and also his family from the actions of his nephews.  I don’t blame him either.  I also gotta admit that I really liked how he summed this up. This has been a wild story already, and conspiracy talk started up moments after the explosion. Then it got even crazier as reports came out about a roberry at 7/11, a carjacking, a police officer shot dead, and – a Full Police Chase, Michael Bay movie style with Bombs getting Thrown from the Car being chased and aimed at the Police – followed by a shoot out in the neighborhood, where one of them ends up dead – and the other suspect, escapes.

Wow, what a crazy string of events that have unfolded – we’ll have to continue to watch to see what happens next.

Especially the kinds of laws that will come out next – meanwhile, we still have to be on the lookout for losers.  If Only I could talk some sense into them myself. If I could, I would say something like this to the losers of the world…… “You do not have to be a loser. It’s a choice. Rather than choosing to lose, choose to win – find something that You like and you enjoy doing, and then decide to be great at it. Winning takes time and effort. Losers quit and have all the time in the world to do, loser shit. Winners simply do not have time for loser shit because they are too busy Winning.”

I think that really does sum it up; Especially if it turns out, the way it’s currently being reported – that two boys decided to go Hate On Winners – and the People Cheering for Winners – by going to an event and setting off explosives – injuring hundreds of innocent people – killing 3.

Loser shit.
