New Slaves

harriet tubman film vilifies black men

Still Not My Harriet: Cynthia Erivo Anti ADOS Makes Black Man The Villain

I want to lead off with a video, going viral, that really sums up my thoughts on this new Harriet Tubman film, with anti-ados star, Cynthia Erivo. This, super insightful take on why ‘slave movies’ and related filmed content continue to be made. Paraphrasing what she said about “Harriet”; with what I’ve also seen from […]

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Yeezy on "New Slaves" - prisons for profit in America

Yeezy on SNL and Prisons For Profit That Harm The Black Community

Fuck you and Your Corporations Yall Niggas Can’t Control Me! – Yeezy on SNL YEEZY! …. Did we just witness something historic?? Kanye performed on Saturday Night Live doing his New Song, “New Slaves” and I’m telling yall … we might have just seen something major – if we were paying attention; In case you

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