Oshay Duke Jackson is one of several Youtube content creators, who focuses on male issues. Recently, he made a video addressing the question, is T.I. Responsible for his son? Oshay says yes, and over here at SoPoCo.net, we agree. Just the other day we dropped an article about the importance of Great Black Fathers. The father really does determine the path of his children, and his presence matters. Many of the debates happening in our society today center around parenting. Having already laid out the case, for why I feel fathers absolutely matter, let’s not forget how important mothers are too. In this case however, we are looking into a father and son matter, playing out, over social media.
The rapper, T.I. has lived a pretty interesting life. He’s made movies, has his own podcast, and over the years has dropped several albums. In many of those songs, he has talked about, selling drugs, pulling guns out on others, etc. T.I. Has also been arrested a few times for gun possession himself.
Is T.I. Responsible for his Son – recently getting arrested as well?
According to T.I.’s son, King – it was a minor traffic stop.
We know the police ain’t shit, so there is a chance young King was being harassed. It’s very likely the police were being over zealous and had no real reason to arrest King. From what I can tell, him or perhaps someone he was with, was not wearing a seat belt. Police in the south, are extra dirty – and I actually am wondering why T.I. didn’t respond focused on that, instead of what he said. Saying things like, “my son is going to jail” – is not exactly good fathering.
Truth be told, that conversation never should have been aired, on social media.
I’m unsure if his son, ‘should’ have put his business on social media as well. It looks to me, like most people would not even know it happened, had he not posted about it. If anything, that is where I see the son, following the example of his father. That example being, putting all your business in the street. With celebrities, some are more private than others. TMZ type outlets are always digging up information on them, so I don’t get why any would offer up, as much as they do.
Some instances, people should talk to one another, not to their ‘followers’. If T.I.’s son does land in prison some day, it’ll be cause the father, did not have these discussions with his son. Of course, he says he is, and that his son is just being hard headed. Perhaps that is the case. We are not involved in their lives, even if they pull us into their lives, oversharing on Instagram.
When compared to how Lavar Ball spoke ‘success’ into the lives of his children, what T.I. is doing is a great contrast.
Richard Williams also, let everyone who was listening know, that his daughters would be the greatest to play that game.
It’s of my own opinion here, that T.I. should have got on social media, and talked success into his son’s life.
Tell the people following and gossiping to mind their own business. Let his son work out his challenges without their nosey gaze. Making a decision to have a ‘reality tv show’, makes nosey people feel entitled to the business of T.I.’s kids too. People love to hear about the lives of famous people and their kids.
All that to say, many parents who aren’t doing a good job parenting, rarely say that.
I agree with Tip, that sometimes kids are just bad. In spite of the great examples they have at home, some kids venture off the path that is set for them. Religious people know the story of the prodigal son. For those who do not, in a nutshell, a child who was raised one way, decided to explore the world and do thinggs another way. However the morale of that story is, the prodigal son returned. Because that son was raised to be on a certain path, even after venturing off, he returned. The prodigal son comes back to what they know.
I believe that to be true, and will go as far as to say that was the case, with Liangelo Ball. He also went wayward, and got in trouble while at UCLA. They went to China, and decided they’d steal some shit while they were overseas. It was a big fuss while Trump was president.
Gelo, got detained in China with his teammates who were stealing. Eventually they were allowed to come home. Gelo, ruined his chances at an NBA career – or so it seemed.

UCLA revoked his scholarship, and he, like many basketball players had to find a different route to the NBA.
Yes, having two brothers playing very well I’m sure helped, but he continued to work hard as well. Now, Gelo is in the NBA playing with his brothers. He returned to the path his father started him out on. Perhaps T.I. needs to examine the path he’s put his own kids on with the choices he has made. Speaking success into the lives of his children would also be advisable. Known for having a huge vocabulary I am sure he can find the right way to say what his son truly needs to hear.
That may be easier for us to say though.